Art by SKEPTiiCAT (dA/TH) / SKEPTiiCAT#0005
Art by SKEPTiiCAT (dA/TH) / SKEPTiiCAT#0005
Art by SKEPTiiCAT (dA/TH) / SKEPTiiCAT#0005
Magic has been part of Orrem for centuries. In the earth, in the air, in the sea; and even in the living, breathing creatures of this world. While most use it simply to survive, Aurillion have been able to push the boundaries of what magic is. Discovering new types of magic, and developing new ways to utilize their powers; that is, save for one particular magic type.
Through science and ingenuity magic has greatly aided society; making difficult tasks simpler and creating solutions not possible before magic. Of course, that’s not the only usage of magic. Some prefer to have magic duels/competitions, honing their magical abilities to see who can best each other in magical combat or who can use their element(s) best in a certain way.
Each element has gained its own unique reputation over the years, based on what its past users have primarily used it for and also from general stereotypes and feelings towards the element and its abilities. Some are considered solely tools for good, some are tools of utility, and others...others are tools of the criminal underground or downright diabolical. Any interest in those magics may lead to some less than friendly reactions.
Regardless, magic of all kinds is as common as ever in the modern age. Young and old, meek and bold alike are all likely to use some sort of magic to aid their everyday lives.
Auri (babies) are only able to learn level one (1) magic from one of the 5 basic elements (fire, water, earth, air, & light). Further training is adult only, as an auri’s small and growing body can only handle so much. Additionally, one can only imagine the worst if a child were able to perform some of the more destructive abilities.
Also, note that aurilli can only learn one level of one type of magic at a time. Attempting to learn more than one at a time would be like trying to attend 2 universities at once; it’s overwhelming.
Lastly, aurillion can only use (or at least activate) one ability at a time, as there has to be breathing room between ability usage. However, if you gather a group of aurilli and combine abilities together, then you can: Idk, blow up a house or whatever it is you’re planning on doing. (Just don’t let the law catch you)
That being said...there are rumors of some sort of "multi-magician" skill, or mutation, or whatever that can supposedly allow an aurii to use multiple magic abilities at once.
But, you know, rumors are just that, rumors.
General Rules & Mechanics
There are 2 ways to learn magic. Independent learning and learning via Magic Classes.
In self-taught magic, you go at your own pace making up your own magic prompts. However, this method takes longer to complete, especially towards the higher levels. There are special items and extra methods that can help speed things up though!
In classes, you learn things a lot quicker however, there are deadlines to meet (with some wiggle room) and set prompts to follow.
Now here are the limitations to learning magic in an easy to read bullet point list:
A baby can only learn from the first 5 basic magic types (Fire/Water/Air/Earth/Light).
They can only learn ONE element and CANNOT go further than level one (1) UNTIL they grow up into an adult
They also can not increase skill levels until grown-up
An aurillion can only learn ONE element at a time!
To start learning an advanced magic (Ice/Lightning/Poison/Psychic), the individual must know at least level 1 magic of 2 basic magic types!
It doesn't matter which 2 basic elements you learn! Any 2 will do.
Ex. Learning level 1 Earth/Fire will let you start learning any advanced magic type
If you want to put in all the work, yes, your aurillion can learn all basic/advanced magic types!
Celestial & Corrupt magic are extremely off-limits and cannot be learned normally
When auri use magic their bell glows the magic color! The colors are as follows:
Fire - Red
Water - Blue
Earth - Green
Air - Light green
Light - Orange
Ice - Light blue
Lightning - Bright yellow
Poison - Purple
Psychic - Pink
Celestial - Pastel pink
Corrupt - Black
The bell glow should be shown in all magic images!
To view the abilities, click the element name!
It's a button, it'll open up its ability page in a new tab!
Fire is a popular element to learn, and users of it are plentiful. This is mostly due to the element’s multi-purposed abilities, however, this can also be seen as a double-edged sword. On one hand, fire can be used to create destruction and chaos, but on the other it can be used for protection, to help others, or even as effects for performance shows. Because of its many uses, there’s not really any one specific job for Fire users. Common jobs include firefighters, where being able to control flames comes in handy, and metal and glass workers. Other jobs may include chefs; who prefer to cook with flair and performers who, likewise, like to intertwin magic into their shows, which with enough practice and precaution, can make a great show a spectacular one. Explorers as well find the element’s abilities to be especially helpful in tundra regions such as the Silver Peaks, or even dealing with dangerous wildlife. Despite its dual nature fire is typically well-received by society, being seen as largely more helpful than harmful. That’s not to say it isn't misused. It’s also popular among criminals and arsonists and is probably the most, if not the most, common magic for criminals in general.
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Here is an image place holder. Scale as needed, center the text when you're done.
Water is a must-have for any Aurilli looking towards a maritime career. Many disasters at sea have been avoided thanks to a Water mages’ water manipulation, or water breathing ability. Even those not interested in seafaring may find the element useful to fend off dehydration or to get a glimpse into the world beneath the waves. Typically an uncommon magic in inland settlements, while in coastal settlements Water magic is as common as knowing the alphabet. Most users tend to be fishermen or aquatic researchers. On the casual side, surfers tend to gravitate towards this element as do swimmers. This magic isn’t the most respected of the basic elements; not because of its destructive capabilities (which it does have), but rather because most aurilli don’t think it’s very useful or visually interesting. Still, there are legends of ancient aurilli trained in Water magic, that lived exclusively underwater, in their own unique aquatic city. Most dismiss these legends as purely myth and fabrication, yet some explorers nevertheless make it their life’s work to find and uncover these cities.
Earth is a common and mandatory magic for those looking to work in the fields of geology, agriculture, and botany. Archeologists utilize this magic heavily as well, as they largely work with dirt and stone. Earth magic is considered quite beneficial, as many of the abilities can be used to keep areas around cities and forests healthy or even repopulate them. Nature preservers often use Earth’s abilities to check on the soil composition and to purify the earth of any contaminants such as pollutants. Besides its utilitarian uses, Earth magic is sought after by the strong. Shockwaves, plant manipulation, and even petrification all draw those interested in power. Because of this Earth, more so than Fire, is viewed in a very neutral light. Useful to create and preserve, or to tear and devastate.
Here is an image place holder. Scale as needed, center the text when you're done.
Here is an image place holder. Scale as needed, center the text when you're done.
Air magic is primarily used by those in weather-based careers or those who are tasked to aid in the aftermath of something like a gas leak, fire, or any environment with poor air quality. It is also common amongst vocal aurilli, such as public speakers, or teachers, and singers!
There are not as many practical uses to Air magic with the most important being its weather-predicting and air purification abilities. A lot of it is for leisure and fun. Give your jump a boost and see who can jump the highest, or play guessing games with clouds. It’s a mostly harmless element, with any dangerous abilities being difficult to master and control. If mastered, though, those abilities can cause quite the devastation; from conclusive blasts to powerful gusts and even tornados. Even so, society doesn’t have too much of an opinion on Air magic and it’s typically seen as a boring, utilitarian, ‘safe’ magic.
Light magic is the designated 'healer magic'. Doctors, nurses, and surgeons alike are all bound to know at least the basics of Light magic as it’s well suited for this field. Outside of professionals, it’s common to see aurilli learning level one Light magic as its illuminate and mend wounds abilities are considered especially useful for everyday situations. If one were to continue further training they’d find its secondary use, defense. Force fields and invisibility; both very helpful for saving one’s skin in a pinch. Its offensive abilities are seen as somewhat lackluster compared to other elements, save for Air. That’s not to say you should underestimate a Light mage. If they want to they can deal incredible damage with lasers and light beams. For the most part though, Light is seen as a wholly good element used for healing and self-defense/protection. Deviant Light users are rare and are at most petty thieves.
Here is an image place holder. Scale as needed, center the text when you're done.
Here is an image place holder. Scale as needed, center the text when you're done.
Ice is an element for the curious and adventurous. What with its abilities that help with mountain climbing and handling the cold it’s primarily used by ice climbers and explorers of the Silver Peaks. Ice may also be utilized to traverse or research the desert, as the ability to instantly cool oneself down is an incredible help there. In fact, most explorers tend to learn both Fire and Ice magic to ensure they won’t die of hypothermia or heat exhaustion. Outside of this though, Ice is a lesser-used magic primarily due to its lack of practical use. Its offensive abilities are great for combat, and it can be used by researchers, explorers, and hikers, but not much else. Also, it’s somewhat restricted by the weather, being a much more seasonal element than say fire or water. It takes a strong, disciplined Ice mage to create a lot of ice in severe heat, and an even more powerful one to be able to use that ice for anything. It can be fun in the sun though, even if it's not as impressive. Maybe cool yourself off with a frosty breeze, or instantly freeze your drink into a popsicle! Not much else though, it’s during winter or deep up north where Ice magic truly shines. Manipulate ice or snow into intricate sculptures or stick to a frozen pond and amaze your friends that you aren’t tripping and falling on your rear. The combat-oriented may use the winter to unleash the more destructive abilities of the element, launching razor-sharp icicles or summoning great hailstorms. All in all Ice magic is viewed neutrally, or even straight-up ignored by society.
Lightning magic is largely considered the 'techie magic', as it’s often used by electricians, technicians, and mechanics. It’s not hard to see why as Lightning magic can allow one to mess with magnetism, charge appliances, and read the electrical properties of a given area. It’s a commonly sought after magic by youngins who think it sounds cool or by those who are wishing to prank their friends with random shocks. However, what many may find truly shocking, is that this element is best used by those who know what they’re doing. Many of its electrical control abilities can easily get out of hand if the aurilli is not skilled or concentrating hard enough, especially when used near or on electronic devices. Despite this all, Lightning magic has an overall positive reputation in society and remains often used by pranksters, the lazy, and obviously those in the technology/electricity department.
Here is an image place holder. Scale as needed, center the text when you're done.
Here is an image place holder. Scale as needed, center the text when you're done.
Poison magic is one of the more questionable magics out there. It’s not commonly learned outside of the Aphyx Glades where it’s pretty much necessary to survive. Those who do take an interest in it are typically scientists or those in the medical or biology fields. Sense numbing comes in handy before surgeries or shots, while anti-venom creation is sought after for obvious reasons. Some of the most destructive abilities still have positive use, such as the ability to gauge toxicity, utilized by poison control, or by those living in more polluted areas. Outside of helpful uses poison magic is learned by hunters and fighters, as it’s many poison producing abilities are great for subduing others. Less savory characters may try to use it for assassination or to wreak havoc, the most villainous warping mildly toxic things into deadly toxic ones. Because of this and how dangerous most of its abilities can be poison is often looked at with suspicion. Perhaps not instant hostility, but if you’re interested in Poison magic, others will want to know why.
Psychic is another grey area magic. There are many helpful abilities in this skill tree, but also many powerful abilities that could easily be used to cause harm. As the element largely deals with the mind and emotions it’s largely used by psychologists, magicians, and fortune-tellers. There’s not a lot of casual use within Psychic magic, those who learn it are usually planning on using it for their job. That’s not to say it isn’t learned by civilians. Some dedicated pranksters may seek it out to learn telekinesis, while others may learn level one Psychic magic to be able to calm others or to better know the feelings of their peers. Therapists and even teachers are known to learn Psychic magic just for these reasons. On the flip side, many seek out Psychic magic for its more controlling abilities. The ability to read minds and hypnosis are often sought after by criminals looking to rob and cause destruction. Overall, like Poison magic, Psychic magic is seen as suspicious, and wielders of it are typically regarded with severe caution unless they announce their intentions or show they are officially licensed.
Here is an image place holder. Scale as needed, center the text when you're done.
Here is an image place holder. Scale as needed, center the text when you're done.
Celestial magic is holy and almighty, harnessed primarily by the Creationist God Kleptar. It symbolizes peace, harmony, kindness, and of course, creation. The ability to even learn Celestial magic is a gift you're born with. It is not exactly something one can pick up and learn from a book like other magics. To gain access to it, usually, somewhere in your family tree, you have to have at least one Cosmokin ancestor. Having a Celestial trait/upgrade may also be a sign you are eligible to learn it, but this is not a guarantee. The next step, learning the abilities, is an equally difficult task. You'll need an experienced and proficient teacher to teach you.
The information on most abilities is public, however, this all comes from current Celestial magic users. As such the information is vague, if given at all, seemingly on purpose. It is essentially god-like magic, though, so it's not exactly surprising why they'd be tight-lipped on the subject.
The few Celestial magic users out there have tall expectations and reputations to manage, and this extends to even those with Celestial upgrades. Those with Celestial ties are pictured to be almost perfect, well-mannered figures. Veritable demi-gods, if you will. One would have to do something severe and drastically heinous to garner public ire. Even then, most would consider that an outliner or 'bad apple' rather than a reflection on the magic itself. As one might expect, some aurii let this automatic praise and reverence get to their head. The most pretentious even take to referring to themselves as "Higher Beings", a title that's mostly reserved for Cosmokin and beings directly tied to Kleptar. Some simply humor this, others mock the idea, more devout auri may even consider it heresy of some kind. A more neutral and accepted title for those with this magic, Celestial upgrades, or secondary abilities are 'Blessed' or 'the Blessed'.
Celestial magic is not required or associated with any particular occupation/job, after all, it's quite hard to scout for such rare and unique magic. Instead, those who have it use it freely, performing 'miracles' and feats at their discretion. Celestial criminals are not exactly unheard of but are far and few in between of the already low pool of users to begin with. Any such character is considered a disgrace to Celestial magic and what it means.
Here is an image place holder. Scale as needed, center the text when you're done.
Corrupt magic, the forbidden, hated, feared magic. Thought to be just as powerful as Celestial magic, but it is inherently evil. Destruction & misery are its only purpose. Even if one were to attempt to use Corrupt benevolently, the inherent side effects Corrupt abilities have on the environment and aurili it's used on are nothing but bad. This magic has one goal, and that is to destroy every and anything it touches.
Not only that, attempting to learn this decrepit magic appears to cause severe, negative psychological effects.
It's believed the mind of a Corrupt user is slowly but surely taken over by negative energy and thoughts of hatred and malice. Almost like a plague or infection. Users have been described to have raging and uncontrollable emotions, becoming inexplicably angry, enraged, and frustrated, sometimes even sad or regretful, all for no reason. Positive emotions seem to become fleeting and dulled, difficult to have but easy to melt into more negative ones. Psychic magic users describe Corrupt users' auras to be the same as the aura sensed in the Wastelands, hostile and unwelcoming.
This extends to those with Corrupt traits as well, albeit to a much, much lesser degree. Interestingly the negative 'take over' does not seem to apply to those who are born with a secondary ability at all; not that they are any less distrusted by the public.
The records of how this magic even came to be are suspicious and its origins are heavily debated to this day. Some believe it to be a curse from Kleptar, others even go so far as to claim it was auri-made magic used to defy them. As for information, there is little left, on the magic itself and the abilities and their usage. It's been largely destroyed, lost to time, and traded amongst clandestine individuals, hidden away from the public. Any prominent, public resources are illegible, incomplete, and/or are undecipherable. And certainly, there are no known resources on how to learn or gain access to it. Instead, what is known of it, is how it has caused devastation in the past and how those few with lingering traces of it are poorly affected and how anything Corruption-related should be avoided at all costs.
Little is known on how to gain access to this magic, not that anyone would want it, but even those afflicted with it aren't entirely sure as to how they got it. The popular belief is that it truly is a curse or a plague and that the magic is afflicted onto auri who have done terrible deeds. Some beg to differ on if all Corrupt-tied auri are 'deserving' of their plight though. Another is that it is from exposing oneself to too much of the Corruption. This is often recited by government officials and parents to help keep curious individuals in check. The last and least popular theory is that it must be directly taught to another, similar to Celestial magic. This is the least believed theory, if only because the thought of Corrupt users passing down their knowledge to disciples is a terrifying one to process. Known Corrupt users deny this to be the case, of course.
Aurilli with any kind of Corrupt ties, whether it be the magic itself, upgrades, or even having a Corrupt secondary ability are labeled as Cursed, Tainted, bad omens, etc. Most don't want anything to do with them, lest they be cursed or corrupted themselves. Not to mention, finding a job is almost entirely out of the question. One is legally required to admit to having any Corrupt-ties, considered for the safety of others, and the auri in question.
Some may find more pity towards these cursed auri rather than anger, but the main societal opinion is that such individuals are best left alone and avoided. It's for their own good.