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Welcome to the item archive! This is where all the released items are logged to keep all the information & lore on items all in one place.


If you're looking to buy an item, head over to #the-store channel on our discord for that!

Please remember that any and all items purchased are digital goods!

MYO BELL - 500 dA points / 3 Jades

A shiny, golden bell with a ribbon attached to it. They say where a MYO Bell is, an auri is not far behind.

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Gives you 1+ MYO slots! You do not have to confirm these to use them. Upon using a MYO Bell, the item will simply be removed from your inventory and added as a slot.

  • If traded, it will simply just be transferred to your trading partner's inventory.

  • Tradeable.


A lovely rose gold bell in the shape of a heart with a pink ribbon, beautifully handcrafted. Couples often give each other these heart-bells as a gesture of love.

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Gives you 1+ breeding slots! You do not have to confirm these to use them. Upon using a Breeding Bell, the item will simply be removed from your inventory and added as a slot.

  • If traded, it will simply just be transferred to your trading partner's inventory.

  • Tradeable.

Upgrade ring.png

UPGRADE RING - 700 dA points / 5 Jades

A small ring with a 4 pointed, golden star on it. It's said to grant a single, small wish to those who wear one.

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Lets you apply any one (1) upgrade with 1 star (★) in its name & bypass requirements.

  • Upgrades labeled as "ADULT ONLY" cannot be placed on babies.

  • Tradeable.

Upgrade bracelet.png

UPGRADE BRACELET - 900 dA points / 7 Jades

A slightly flexible bracelet that's a bit harder to come by than its ring counterpart. It has simple patterns engraved in it and a 4 pointed star encompassing a 5 pointed star.

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Lets you apply any one (1) upgrade with 2 stars (★★) in its name & bypass requirements.

  • Upgrades labeled as "ADULT ONLY" cannot be placed on babies.

  • Tradeable.

Upgrade pendent.png

UPGRADE PENDANT - 1100 dA points / 9 Jades

A considerably rare, but not impossible to find, pendant with a complex structure of 3 stars. Like the ring & bracelet, it's said that this pendant can grant its wearer a sizable wish.

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Lets you apply any one (1) upgrade with 3 stars (★★★) in its name & bypass requirements.

  • Upgrades labeled as "ADULT ONLY" cannot be placed on babies.

  • Tradeable.

Transfer gem.png

UPGRADE TRANSFER GEM - 400 dA points / 2 Jades

A beautiful sunset-colored gemstone with a rune engraving that denotes 'exchange'. If held by two auri or two adults a trait transfer is said to occur.

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Lets you transfer one (1) upgrade, any, from one of your aurillion to another.

To transfer an upgrade simply draw a clear image of the upgrade being transferred from one auri to another!

[ See example here ]

  • You cannot transfer a trait from your aurillion to someone else's.

  • Transfers must be from baby to baby or adult to adult or baby to adult.

  • You CANNOT transfer upgrades from adult to baby.

  • Upgrades labeled as "ADULT ONLY" cannot be placed on babies.

  • Tradeable.


You cannot transfer any Subspecies upgrades or any Injuries

Scolarship ticket.png


An official ivory-colored ticket that grants you permission to enroll in a magic class. There's a little line at the bottom for the teacher to sign once the enrollment has been confirmed.

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Guarantees you a spot into one (1) magic class.

  • Only available when classes are occurring.

  • Tradeable.

Upgrade voucher.png


A silvery voucher with purple ribbons and a decorative golden seal. Holding onto one is said to grant very special traits.

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Specific upgrade vouchers given out via events or from donating auri with transferable traits. 

  • These don't have expiration dates.

  • These only grant the upgrade list by staff; ex. if you donate an auri with Glowy Nose you'll receive a voucher good only for Glowy Nose.

  • Upgrades labeled as "ADULT ONLY" cannot be placed on babies.


Transfer mirror.png

TRANSFER MIRROR - 1200 dA points / 9 Jades

A brilliant mirror with a golden rim from lands unknown. Looking into one is said to show you glimpses of alternate dimensions and different universes.

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Gives you 1+ transfer slots! You do not have to confirm these to use them. Upon using a Transfer Mirror, the item will simply be removed from your inventory and added as a slot.

  • If traded, it will simply just be transferred to your trading partner's inventory.

  • Tradeable.

Magic Mist_2.png


A small ornate vial containing weak magical essence. Coming into contact with this green-orange mist is said to grant magical enhancements, albeit, small ones.

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Lets you apply one (1) Level 1 or 2 magic upgrade.

  • Upgrades labeled as "ADULT ONLY" cannot be placed on babies.

  • Cannot grant Celestial or Corrupt upgrades.

Magic wisp_2.png


A sizable elegant bottle containing potent magical essence. Coming into contact with this purple-blue wisp is said to grant exceptional magical enhancements.

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Lets you apply one (1) Level 3 or 4 magic upgrade.

  • Upgrades labeled as "ADULT ONLY" cannot be placed on babies.

  • Cannot grant Celestial or Corrupt upgrades.

Celestial Idol.png


Otherwise known as a Celestial Idol. A rare, ancient artifact from centuries ago depicting the god of Creation in obsidian & marble, gilded with gold, clutching a celestial star carved out of Jade. These idols are said to bring great fortunes and blessings to those lucky enough to come in possession of one. Each idol seems to be expertly hand-crafted and traces of imbued magic can sometimes be found on them.

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Lets you apply any one (1) upgrade in the "Limited" upgrades section and bypasses event/YCH requirements.

  • Upgrades in the "SPECIAL" section or labeled as "RETIRED" cannot be applied with this item.

  • Tradeable.

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