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Welcome to the Databank! First off, what is the Databank? Well, it's a recently developed online system by Seth and his team meant to compile all available information into one place as well as to preserve this information. As for what information is being kept here, it's basically anything you'd ever want to know about! Animal and plantlife, locations, subspecies, and more! 

A lot of important information from many, many, many centuries ago has been lost to time or has been destroyed due to lack of care and insufficient ways to contain it all. This Databank was made in an attempt to prevent that for future generations; and now, after only a couple, long and hard years under development, it is now ready for public use.


You may notice a lot of missing information here, as stated a lot has been lost to time, especially information pertaining to subspecies. The ten subspecies used to live in harmony along with the standards for hundreds of years, but over time many have closed themselves off from each other becoming independent and isolated. Only a couple still keep in touch as of now and with greater frequencies of disasters and the Corruption looming out in the Wastelands who knows what remains of the others? Know that, should any new information crop up, we'll be the first to know, and will be sure to keep you updated!


Hey! What about books, are those obsolete? Yes! Well, kinda. Encyclopedias and the like are definitely outdated, however, the development of the Databank has not deterred, nor discourages authors from publishing their works, whether it be stories, research, news, magazines, or anything else!

Be rest assured that literature is still a thriving medium!

[a heck load of buttons here]

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