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Growing Up

Ready to grow up your Auri? Great, here is all the info you'll need to grow up! It's all rather simple and all the species' stances are listed here as well information on each stance.

To grow up:

  • Your auri needs to be one (1) month old

    • This date is calculated using the day you submitted your auri's approval! It has to have been at least 1 month since then to grow up your auri.​

  • 3 separate fullbody images of your auri

    • Not 3 images in one deviation, 3 separate images! These need to be decently clean and colored/lined.​


That's it for pre-grow up requirements! Below are all the stances you can choose from sorted by species!


Now since we have 11 species total, this page is going to get long, please read and scroll carefully!


Flavor art

Due to the severe size variation among the stances, there is no official adult approval template. All we ask for are 2 standing fullbodies of your auri. One before growing up (their baby form) and their adult stance!


They should be facing the same direction in a basic, standing pose. Similar to auri approvals, please do not shade the adult approval except for the eyes (optional) and gold (mandatory).


Small accessories may be included on the grow up but full articles of clothing/accessories that obscure the body may not.


Please include the following form in the description:


Username: [Your group/dA username!]

Aurillion's name: [For ease of moderation, please use the name used on the auri's baby approval]

Stance: [What stance you are growing your auri into]

Baby approval: [Link to the auri's baby approval - this is more so for auri who were approved on dA!]

Grow up images: [Links to the 3 separate fullbodies]

Upgrades: [List all currently applied upgrades on your auri]


Blank description:


Aurillion's name: 


Baby approval: 

Grow up images: 



You may NOT apply any new upgrades to the adult application.
You may ONLY apply adult upgrades and such after your adult app has been approved.


All done? Great! You're now free to submit in the #adult-approvals channel!

If you need help, please refer to the #anatomy-help channel and a staff member will assist you asap!


General adult anatomy note: adults may now have 4 digits on their paws/etc if you want!

This is not mandatory, adults can have either 3 digits or 4, but limb pairs (front, back) must match!


Firstly, what is slow-growing? 

Slow-growing refers to having an auri grow up gradually or in steps instead of having them approved and then instantly thrown into adulthood!


Some people use this for plot purposes, others use it to hit a few more upgrade reqs with the simpler baby anatomy. Some may just want to draw an auri in the transition stage(s) of growing up.


So how does slow-growing work? 

Well firstly, the auri you want to slow grow must have had their adult approval approved first! After that, you could draw a growth stage guide displaying your auri’s different growth stages, and then set deadlines for how long you’ll draw them in each stage. Or you could draw one singular image of the different stages and call it done. It’s pretty much up to you on how you want to use/portray the slow-grow!


Slow grow example

Before you start slow-growing here are some rules to follow:


  • You MUST decide if you want to slow-grow your auri before their next image, otherwise, their next image should be of them as a full adult.

  • If slow-growing your first image can be a growth chart, if anything else the auri should be a baby in the image.

  • You MUST mention in the description that you are slow-growing the auri.

  • !!You CANNOT upgrade your auri during the slow-grow itself, meaning new upgrades cannot be added at all. You may only add new upgrades after the slow-grow is done!!

    Think of it like this:
    Adult Application:
    [No new upgrades]

    [No new upgrades]

    After Slow-grow Images:
    [Free to apply upgrades again]

  • This process ONLY GOES FORWARD, not backwards. You MUST display your auri growing, they cannot reverse any growth stages at all. You also cannot jump any stages, it must be a logical and gradual growth to full adult form.

  • Your auri may not participate in ANY events geared towards adults or children, as they are technically neither. 

  • Your auri may not participate in breeding during a slow-grow, as they are not technically an adult yet.

  • Lastly, you may not keep your auri in a slow-grow indefinitely, that is to say, forever. They must grow up eventually!
    After 3 months your slow-grow auri will no longer count for bells!
    You may only resume counting them for bells when they are officially grown!


Standard Aurillion Stances

The following 5 stances are for the standard aurillion species!

Standard Upright.png


The most common bipedal stance.

Their distinguishing characteristics are same-sized limbs, digitigrade legs, larger feet for better balance, a short neck, and a straight back. They’re considered the most dexterous stance and typically do jobs that require finesse or handiwork. They can run about as fast as an average human and are the 3rd fastest stance.


Body style may vary just like human bodies do!

Standard Apex.png


Considered the most revered of all the stances, as their body shape is said to resemble that of the divine.

Their distinguishing characteristics are shorter fore-arms, long, strong back legs with big feet, a thicker tail for balance, a slightly sloped back, and a longer neck. They typically find themselves in similar jobs as upright stances, but they tend to rely more on magic to do their work to make up for their more raptor-like arms. They are the fastest of the stances.

Standard Slouched.png
Standard Felis.png


The most common of the quadrupedal stances.

For the most part, their anatomy is similar to that of an auri. Their distinguishing characteristics are long same-sized limbs, a sleek tail, a somewhat short neck, and an arched or flat back. Felis stances typically take up physical-based jobs or at least ones that don’t involve dexterity. They are surprisingly faster than Upright stance auri being the second-fastest stance.


Like upright stances, felis come in many shapes and sizes and you may stretch the anatomy a bit as long as it's recognizable!


The more compact and tank-y and less common of the quad stances.

Their distinguishing characteristics include a sloped back, strong, wide shoulders, and longer front limbs than back limbs. They also have a short, stiff spine which disallows them from raising their heads very much without causing pain. Like the other quad stances, they typically work in physical-based jobs with slouched stance being better than felis stances on average, thanks to their bulky form. Their stiff spine and slouched back makes them more inclined to ground-based work, but not all of them choose that route. They’re the second slowest stance only ahead of the serpent stance.

Standard Serpent.png


Considerably the most unique stance, which can be traced back to the ancient Guardian subspecies.

Their distinguishing characteristics are that they are huge, easily the largest stance. They also have a very long neck, and a very long body and tail (note that Looooong Tail may still be applied to a serpent stance auri). They also have same-sized legs that are significantly shorter than their long bodies. Their spine is unnaturally flexible allowing for serpent stances to curl up and twist their bodies in seemingly painful positions without consequences. Serpent stances typically take on odd jobs that suit their unique body structure. Their size leads them towards more strength-based jobs than just physical ones, they also have come up with their own jobs based on their unique skill sets. They are unsurprisingly the slowest of the stances.

Naganid Stances

The following 3 stances are for the Naganid species!

Naganid Stinger.png


Similar to the upright stance, stinger stance aurii have digitigrade legs, relatively same sized limbs, and short necks. They tend to handle the more precision-based jobs and nearly all the work done higher above ground such as work on their hive-like homes. The vast majority of the construction field and similar trades is made up of stinger stances, which makes them the most common naganid stance. They typically sport hover-type wings to better stabilize them when in the air.


Like with upright stance their body types can vary a lot!


A curious stance, slither stance aurillion don't have any back legs! Instead, their tails are strong and prehensile allowing them to well, slither around on the ground. It is by far the most unique naganid stance, other than the queen's stance, of course. Notable features include medium-length arms, a short neck, and a long, strong tail that can support their body weight. They don't necessarily have one special place in the community and are found everywhere doing all sorts of odd jobs although most tend to stay on the ground running shops and such. They typically sport flutter-type wings that are just right for lifting their bodies off the ground.

Naganid Scorp stance.png


The scorp stance is the naga-equivalent of the standard felis stance. They have short necks and same-sized limbs, however, unlike felis stance who normally have a taller stature to them, scorp stances' bodies lie closer to the ground, their legs just a bit shorter than their bodies. They are the second-most common stance within the Naganid community, handling most of the physical labor such as heavy lighting and other brute-force jobs. They typically sport the elegant-type wings that allow them to gracefully flutter through the air.

Naganid Growth Options.png

Wings & Bug Legs

Naganid wings & bug legs are some of their most unique traits as a species and can change drastically when fully grown!


Upon growing up, their bug wings become fully formed. You can choose from 3 distinct wing-types for your naganid; Flutter, Hover, or Elegant. As with most features you can always change it later with an upgrade if you're unsatisfied! The key feature with the wings is that they are always split into three segments. The design of the wings may be tweaked slightly to fit your style as long as they're recognizable!


For their bug legs, just like the wings, you can choose whichever arm shape you'd like; Clawed Crusher, Prayer. If you find yourself unsatisfied with your decision you can change it up later as well. Now unlike the wings, which must be grown, you're not obligated to grow the arms at all if you don't want to! You can opt-out of the 3 standard choices and instead keep your naga's bug legs baby-sized & shaped! Growing up your bug legs is completely optional!


None of these options are strictly tied to a particular stance, so feel free to mix 'n match, it's your choice!

Munchkin Stance

Munchkins only have 1 stance! Their bodies are far too small and compact to be able to develop any other stances.

Munchkin Adult.png

Adult stance

Growing up a Munchkin is pretty easy! There’s just one stance, which is essentially a bigger Munchkin auri. All proportions and features should remain the same, squat corgi-like body, stubby legs, and tail, elbow Winglets; the only thing that changes is that they grow in size!

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