Art by SKEPTiiCAT (dA/TH) / SKEPTiiCAT#0005
Art by SKEPTiiCAT (dA/TH) / SKEPTiiCAT#0005
Art by SKEPTiiCAT (dA/TH) / SKEPTiiCAT#0005
Aurillion Breeding
Looking to breed your Aurilli? Here's how it works in the group! Breeding Aurilli is a rather simple method to get a new Auri, plus it comes with upgrades and a couple other bonuses if you're lucky! Breedings can be done between 2 of your own Aurilli or with one of yours and someone else's, the guide will further elaborate on all the details.
This guide is fairly long with a lot of different sections, so there should be an anchor navigator to the bottom right of your screen to help you jump from section to section! (TEMP NOTE: Will be done once the site gets a proper background bc,, the text doesn't look great against the current background lol)
This mechanic is not open & ready for use at the moment, some tweaks, changes and finishing touches still need to be made. But you can still read this guide in the mean time if you want!
Gender & Biological Sex
Unlike many of the other species living on Orrem, aurillion do not have any biological sex. They are not born as female nor male and do not have any genitals. Meaning there's no need to pair up opposite sex aurilli to breed, as any 2 adults of age, regardless of gender identity can breed!
They are born without any knowledge about gender as gender is just a social method of self-expression, so at birth, the "gender default" is gender-neutral/agender. One's gender identity depends entirely on their upbringing or lack thereof. Most aurii born completely out of touch such as in the wild (alone) will have no sense of gender, while an auri born into a family will eventually learn about gender identity and may or may not align themselves with one of many identities. Or in some cases depending on the parents/family/caretaker will be forced into an identity. Of course, as all things do, identities can change in the future and this is generally well-received, although there are some disgruntled outliers.
It's not exactly clear how "feminine" /"masculine" / "neutral" were originally defined, the most popular belief is that it followed the sexual dimorphism of certain wildlife species. For some wildlife species, the more colorful animals were usually males and the duller in color/earth-toned animals were usually females. So for the "neutral" part, it was considered a mid-point between earth-toned & bright colors. In the modern-day, these concepts have evolved and become varied. However, the vast majority of the population are very accepting of the ever-expanding ways to express one's identity. (This paragraph is highly subject to being changed and is not definite.)
Since aurilli do not have any biological sex or any genitals they of course do not reproduce sexually. They're technically not asexual reproducers though, as the process still requires 2 parents. Instead, aurilli reproduce using a special type of magic. Aurilli can only start using this magic once they're adults as the magic has to fully develop (which takes 5 months mechanics-wise), which is right around when they turn 20 years old. Using this magic is similar to using any other magic, though for reproduction magic you have to be in close proximity of your partner and both parents must use the magic at the same time. If only one parent uses it and the other one doesn't, it will not work. When in use the bells will glow white and shortly after a Bow Bell will form on one of the parent's collar. The Bow Bell acts similar to a magnet and can latch on and off of any aurillion-collar. The latching is not exclusive to the parents and the Bow Bell can latch onto any adult's collar, it's merely a convenient transportation method, useful when your hands are full and you don't have anything to carry it with, or if you don't have hands at all. After the reproduction magic is used, there is a cool-down until the aurillion can use it again, which is about one-year in-universe (mechanics-wise it's 1 month).
As with reproduction auri birth works differently. When an auri is about to be born, the bow part of the Bow Bell will start softly glowing white, then it will unravel itself and shape becoming a ball of glowing white light. From that ball it will then morph into an auri-shaped silhouette, lastly, the white will fade away and the full colors and features will be revealed. During this process, the bell will change from the eye color of the auri to their gold color & type. The image at the top of the page visually depicts this process.
General Biology
The aurillion species is a magic-based species as nearly everything is in Orrem, although they're one of the more magically inclined species. Aurillion biology consists of the body and their innate magic. The magic "control center" is the bell and this innate magic is what allows them to tap into many various magic types, reproduce, and causes their bodies to change so vastly and frequently. That being said, an aurillion has no control over their growth, they may inherit upgrades (or traits as they're known in-universe) from their parents, but they may also be born with very few traits in common with their parents, or even grow a trait that no one in their family has. Because of this strong magic connection, when an aurillion dies the body, being organic, will eventually decompose while the magic itself will separate from the body and presumably return to the earth. There are legends and myths though, about the magic lingering as a soul, or manifesting as a spirit. Tales of resurrection are not uncommon either, though at the moment nothing of that sort has been truly proven.
If you have any other questions regarding lore and all that, feel free to ask in the #help-desk!
Wow that was a lot. Can you tell me how to actually breed Aurilli now?
Will do! Here are the rules and requirements for breeding!
Both participating Aurilli MUST be:
At least five (5) months old (starting from their baby approval)​
An approved adult
If they've been previously bred, they must be off their cool-down time. (See below)
If the breeding is done between you and another member, the other member must also send in a confirmation note. (Will be explained later)
There must be 2 breeding images done
If this is done between 2 of your own Aurilli, you must do ​both images
If this is done between you and someone else, you each have to do one image.
Both participating Aurilli must have a breeding reference.
The member keeping the bell must send in the breeding submission note.
The Aurilli being bred cannot be related whatsoever. Whether it's adopted family OR biological family, any form of incest will NOT be tolerated in the group. If you attempt this, your submission will be rejected AND you WILL be banned from participating in any & all breedings. There are NO exceptions.
Additionally the staff reserve the right to reject any breedings we deem to violate the group rules for any reason such as insensitivity and or discomfort.
Please be patient with the staff!
Breedings cannot be rerolled. If you're unsatisfied with your results, you may trade the bell away (only if you want to!) and try again once your auri is off cool down.
When using your own Aurillion & someone else's, the breeding will not be rolled until the other party sends in their breeding confirmation note.
Different species have different cooldown times! As subspecies are released, this page will update with their respective breeding cool-down times. The cool-down time starts the day you get your results.
Standard - 1 month // Munchkins - 2 month // Naganids - 1 month
Confirmation Notes
​If you're doing a breeding with another person's Aurillion, the other member must also send in a confirmation note approving the breeding.
The title of the note should be: Breeding Confirmation
And the body of the note should include the pairing and the other user involved in the breeding.
Title: Breeding Confirmation
Body: Confirming the breeding between AurillionA x AurillionB with @username!
Breeding Images
2 breeding images are required to send in a breeding submission! Breeding images have certain polish requirements:, an image can be either:
Shaded fullbodies of each of the participating Aurilli interaction
Flatcolor fullbodies of each of the participating Aurilli with a background
Both images must be one of the two option given MINIMALLY! If you want to do a full scene with shading, fullbodies and a background go for it! Those are just the minimum requirements. Here are some examples! Remember the participating Aurilli must be interacting directly in some way!
Sending the Breeding Submission Note
Onto the actual submission of the breeding now! There is a google form you must fill out to request a breeding, it can be found right here! Fill it out, then hit submit! After submitting the form, go back to the group and send in a note.
The note should be formatted similar to this:
Title: Breeding Submission/Request
Body: Submitted a breeding between AurillionA x AurillionB with @username!
Only include the username part if you're doing a breeding with someone else's Aurillion. If you are, they must send in a confirmation note (as explained above)! After that, send in the note and wait for a staff member to get back to you on your results or any fixes you might need to do for the breeding!
Receiving Results
When you receive your results, the reply will look a like the image off to the side! You will get the results, the approval form to use when uploading the applications and the approval template to use.
If you do not plan on keeping the auri or you're gifting the auri please be sure that you give the new owner the approval form you received!
Bred aurii are only tradable in their Bow Bell state. Once the approval is posted, you cannot trade the auri. Additionally, the new owner will also have to complete the parent image requirement in order to have their auri approved if you have not done it already. Meaning, if you already did the parent image, the new owner doesn't have to do it! They only have to do it if you did not do it before you gave the Bow Bell to them.
Screenshot of breeding results here as an example
Post-Result Requirements
Almost done, I promise! There are 2 more requirements left before you can have your new Auri. The parent image and the formation time.
For a Bow Bell to form, it takes one (1) week group time starting from the day you receive your results! Then after that one week (and the completion of the parent image), you can post your approval!
Parent Image
The parent image is simple a depiction of the Bow Bell, this is usually with the parent. The image has to be either:
If the bell is with one of the parent: At least a halfbody partial shot of the parent with the Bow Bell clearly depicted with them.
If the bell is not with one of the parents: If in your plot the Auri is an orphan/not in connection with their parents, the "Parent Image" requires a clear depiction of the Bow Bell with at least a simple background. (Shading is optional, see what qualifies as a "simple background" in the currency guide.)
Here is an example for each option!
Designing Bow Bells
Designing a bow bell is very simple! There are 2 parts to it:
The Bow:
The bow portion of the Bow Bell is the body colors the auri inherited. You can arrange the colors however you'd like! You can also stylize the shape of the bell slightly if you'd like.
The Bell:
The bell portion reflects the accent color the auri inherited! It still has a metallic texture/shine to it. This does NOT reflect the Auri's gold type/color! Just the eye color.
The shape of the bow bell varies between subspecies! The image on the right will be updated as subspecies are revealed!
Designing a Bred Auri
Now the part you've probably been waiting for, the actual designing of the bred auri! This guide assumes that since this is a bred auri, that you're already familiar with Auri anatomy.
The anatomy of a bred auri should follow it's corresponding species. The note will tell you what species your auri is, so if it's a standard use the standard anatomy! If it's a subspecies, then use the right subspecies anatomy.
In your results, you have your upgrade list that'll include regular upgrades and mutations! You are not obligated to use all of the upgrades provided, that includes mutations as well. You can choose which upgrades you want to use and which you don't!
Say you inherited hooves and one of the parents had smooth hooves, but you want your bred Auri to have cloven hooves, you can do that! Your bred auri is not required to have the same variation of the upgrade as the parents. You can design the Auri however you'd like, the upgrades can look totally different from the parent's upgrade designs.
Another simple step, colors! Once again, the placements can look wildly different from the parents if you want! They should still however follow the MYO rule where the secondary colors cannot cover up more than 50% of the auri's base color.
Gold Placement:
Bred aurii start with starter placements unless they have gold shifter! So unless your bred auri inherited gold shifter, bred aurii follow regular Gold Placement MYO rules.
Some subspecies have different gold rules! So if your auri is a Naganid, for example, use the starter naganid placements!
Last post-result requirements! Approval! Now in your results, you will receive the template for the approval application form. It'll look something like this:
The majority of it will be filled out for you! The ID#, species, ancestry, upgrades & magic area will be filled out for you, you can edit the upgrades/magic part as you wish as long as the essential information is still there.
For the upgrades, for example you can bold/italicize/underline/strikeout upgrades, rearrange them or reformat how it's presented! As long as all the upgrades that you're using are listed.
For magic, you can do whatever you want as long as the ability name is listed but you can change up the flavor text a bit if you want!
And of course, the name/gender/personality part is 100% up to you!
The ancestry part of the form just means if they're a subspecies descendant. If your auri is a naganid descendent, it will say "Ancestry: Naganid". If your auri isn't it, instead of "Naganid" in this example it would say N/A!
Here's an example of a filled form.
Name: Twist
Gender: Male
ID#: 001
Species: Munchkin
Ancestry: N/A
Upgrades: Bands, baby teefs, pawsies, sweet treat
Magic: N/A
Be sure to use the bred auri application template given by the staff member when you get your results! Similar to the form, you may make little edits to them as long as the essential information is still present.
Once your done, you can head over to the #baby-approvals channel and wait for a staff member to get back to you!
Example of a filled out approval application
Subspecies Descendance & Heredity
So subspecies huh? Breeding a subspecies is likely the easiest way to get a subspecies, however there's still always a chance that the outcome won't be a subspecies and will instead be a standard Auri. Breeding subspecies does come with a few breeding perks though! So keep reading if you're interested in those.
Subspecies descendance is 100% guaranteed in direct subspecies breedings! These descendants have full access to their parent species' descendant-able upgrades! These upgrades are located under the special upgrades tab in "Subspecies". So even if you breed 2 subspecies together and you get a standard instead, you will at least be able to use descendant upgrades!
By direct descendance, it means the bred auri must have a subspecies as a parent. Bred aurii with subspecies grandparents will not have access to subspecies exclusive upgrades however they can inherit them from their parents.
Words can be confusing! Here's a chart over to the right side that shows you which Aurii can get the Descendant upgrades.
As of right now, subspecies descendants cannot produce subspecies, perhaps in the future when we have a better roller this will be possible, but as of right now, it is only possible to get subspecies through direct parents.