Art by SKEPTiiCAT (dA/TH) / SKEPTiiCAT#0005
Art by SKEPTiiCAT (dA/TH) / SKEPTiiCAT#0005
Art by SKEPTiiCAT (dA/TH) / SKEPTiiCAT#0005
If you want to learn magic quicker there are always magic classes!
Not only are classes faster than self-learning, but they’re more efficient, especially beyond level 1 due to the EXP goal increase. The catch is that you’re only given about a month to complete the whole level and that there are strict deadlines for learning each ability and a final. They also have set prompts, "magic assignments" with specific lessons on how to use each ability. If you fall behind, don’t fret! Late work is accepted, however, it’s at a cost. Since magic classes last one month, the three abilities are split between the first 3 weeks (1 week per ability) and then a finals week to show what you’ve learned. At the end of each magic class that you pass, you'll even earn a little badge you can show off to your friends!
The first three weeks are dedicated to learning each of the three abilities one week at a time. For each week you must submit one full piece, (Minimum halfbody with shading & background if specified in the prompt) of your auri learning the ability.
The last week is finals week. For this week you must complete 3 flat color fullbodies (minimum) of your auri performing all three (3) abilities they have learned throughout the month.
Lastly, classes are organized into two groups; Rookie and Master Classes. Rookie classes cover the first two levels of each magic element, while Master Classes cover levels 3 and 4.
Flavor art of class magic
Firstly, how do you get in?
Every magic class has a limited amount of slots for students. These slots are raffled off a week before class begins. To enter you must comment on the post hosting the raffle with the auri you are entering and proof that your auri can learn this level of magic if needed. Once the week is up the students are rolled and classes will begin.
You may not gift raffle slots.
If you want to ensure your place in a class you can purchase a scholarship ticket from the store! These tickets are on a separate count from the raffled slots. So even if a class has 5 raffle slots and 5 tickets are purchased there will still be 5 free slots raffled off. You may pull out any time before class begins and get your scholarship ticket back, but once class begins you have no way of getting it back even if you drop out. Doing so would still remove the ticket from your account.
Late Work
If you cannot complete the required art each week within the time slot you may have 2-3 more days to finish it. However, for each prompt you turn in late you must draw an additional colored fullbody of your auri doing catch-up work on the specific ability/abilities they missed. If you cannot complete the work within two to three days of the deadline and fail to finish the makeup work you will fail that class.
Flunking Out
If you are unable to complete the required art within the allotted time your aurillion will fail the class. In order to complete their training, you must either complete it independently through self-taught magic or enlist in the next available class of the given element. You may count any art completed in class towards self-taught magic BUT you may NOT re-use it for any future classes, even if your aurillion’s design hasn’t changed since the art was made. All class art must be made during the time of the class.
Lastly, when can you sign up?
Classes typically occur during the months where there are few school/group activities to make things easier for both mods and members. Most classes are for the basic, easy to learn magics like Fire or Earth. Classes for advanced elements like Ice and Lightning are less common. There are no known classes for Celestial magic, and definitely not for Corrupt magic, as it is heavily restricted.
All basic magics (Fire, Water, Earth, Air, & Light) have both Rookie and Master classes dedicated to them. Meaning you could learn all 4 levels of the basic magics through classes if you wish.
The advanced magics (Ice, Lightning, Poison, & Psychic) only have Master Classes dedicated to them, meaning levels 1 and 2 for advanced magics must be learned through self-teaching.
Class schedule calender
Magic Completion
Unlike self-taught magic, you do not need to manually register once you’ve completed magic classes. Upon completion, you'll be registered automatically by the staff! Convenient, right?