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Naganids are curious, insect-like auri. They tend to have lean but sturdy figures and slightly angular bodies compared to standards. Despite having insect-like characteristics, they’re actually a tiny bit taller than standards. They have bug-like wings, legs, and a stinger along with venom with unique properties. Unlike standards, they do not typically have a 3rd eye, and no nagas possess visible noses. They're rather frail and fragile on a pure physicality-level, but they have plenty of other adaptations to make up for it.


For one, they're aligned to the Poison element and they naturally produce a unique toxin only nagas can make. It's rather potent, meant to subdue the dangerous creatures found within the Aphyx Glades. If an auri is stung they should seek medical attention immediately (yes, even if they have the Toxin Immunity ability)!! It's a poison meant for large and aggressive predators, a common auri is likely to be knocked out by it. It's not meant to kill, though, but it's best to get it out of the system as quickly as possible. Nagas themselves aren't immune to the toxin but can tolerate being accidentally stung better than other species. As for other toxins and poisons, they're well prepared, as nagas are all born with the secondary ability "Toxin Immunity". It's practically necessary, given where they live. For normal toxin-immune-auri, strong and highly magical toxins can still affect them, they'll affect nagas too, but also to a lesser extent. There's also their gold, which is stronger and juts out from the body in the shape of armor/plating. As well, many of their fragile bug parts, legs, wing arms, and mandibles, can be this tougher gold. Lastly, while not to the Guardians' degree, they have naturally high stamina and endurance. This especially comes in handy for those with hover-type wings, which require very fast beating to keep aloft. 

Personality-wise, naganids tend to be standoffish or overly independent, but they also tend to be hard-working and efficient. Lazy and/or social nagas aren't uncommon though. This independence tends to only affect their social and personal life, Aphyx thrives on group cooperation and nagas tend to work very well with each other. Communication is key and they're good at keeping organized. In fact, the average naga apartment is generally quite tidy.

Nagas have extra terminology typically used to refer to different stages of life/positions. Babies are often called "nymphs", adolescents and adults are called "workers", and high ranking nagas (usually those who work directly under the Queen) are referred to as "majors". Lastly, the leader of their capital, Aphyx City, is referred to as the Naganid Queen. They aren't under an actual monarchy though, at least not currently, the current Queen acts more akin to a mayor, with Queen/King/Monarch being a title left over from the olden days.

Nagas view magic from a practicality-lens. It's a tool to help them work and to help them survive. Poison magic, of course, is practically mandatory for those who live in the glades. Besides that, nagas will set out to learn any other abilities/elements they need to get them through the day. It's uncommon for a naga to learn magic strictly for fun.


Naganids, even from the beginning of history, have been a rather independent species. Mostly keeping themselves within the glades, trading as needed, and traveling outwards rarely. They weren't exactly avoiding the other species on purpose, they simply didn't ever feel the need to. They liked being independent, and they had no reason to mingle frivolously. They did, however, have a close relationship with the Glimiks, and are the only other species to know their language and communication methods. [It’s like Canada & Quebec but on significantly friendlier terms] It was a rather interesting relationship, as the Glimiks communicated exclusively in hums and [Morse] code, instead of the standard language most other species used.

Their homeland is within the Aphyx Glades, with the capital being Aphyx City. It was (and still is!) known for its denizens' work ethic and incredible productivity. However, it was also known for having a strict and unfair status quo, instilled and enforced by the Monarch at the time. Everyone was expected to contribute something towards the expansion of the city, which helped it become the impressive city it's known for now. The downside was that these harsh social standards made many nagas that 'didn't fit in' outcasts. Nagas without wings or bug legs, nagas with deformed stingers or other body parts, or even missing stingers were considered weak and looked down upon. This was also during the times where defensive pets such as gastrakes, were not fully tamed. Semi-feral gastrake attacks were common and if you were unable to protect yourself from them, you were also considered weak. Since their core contact with others was strictly for business, and even then, largely kept between them and the Glimiks, no one really knew of these harmful ideologies, nor could they be questioned until rather recently.

Concerning the Creationist God Kleptar, the nagas were never keen on them. They didn't hate them, like with everything else outside-related, they simply didn't care. It didn't hurt that Kleptar had obvious favorites, and was never fond of dropping in on their 'icky' swamplands. The naganids saw no interest or good reason to follow or rely on a god, it wasn't like they were struggling without their help anyway. Kleptar wasn't exactly thrilled by the nagas being unimpressed towards their godliness, but they still cared about all of their creations, and let them be. Their whole relationship is a bit odd, even among historians today. Kleptar was always one to shower their creations with affection, the fact that they displayed mutual apathy towards, not just the naganids but a few other of the species is curious, to say the least. Not to mention how places like the glades themselves are at odds with the gods' bubbly and lighthearted personality. It's mostly chalked up to being part of the enigmatic nature of a god, it's just something mere mortals couldn't understand.


When the Great Calamity happened, the nagas were quick to scoff and return to business as usual. They had never relied on Kleptar, and their pathetic display did nothing to sway them otherwise. They didn't come out unscathed though; they were, of course, used to the dangers of the glades, but after Kleptar disappeared and the world went out of wack, resources became scarce and the already dangerous wildlife became more agitated and aggressive. They could not remain isolated like they once were, and contact with the Glimiks had become strangely scarce. Instead, they had to turn to Bellavette, making them the second species to re-engage with the standards.


It's been generations now, and Aphyx has been changing for the better. The most recent Queen, Poinsettia has set to loosening the social standards, and to personally explore beyond the glades and take in other cultures. Nowadays the community is much more open and forgiving. You aren't expected to work back-breaking construction or city defense or be cast out from society, instead, you're simply expected to help out the community in some way. From helping the elderly, running shops, construction, caretaking, or even helping your neighbors. As long as you're doing your part, you're considered an asset to the community. It's not perfect, and there's push back from older nagas who liked the old ways better, and new nagas who want more, but most find it to be the perfect happy medium the city needs. Nothing has changed with their culture on productivity and efficiency, but now that strong work ethic can be seen in even more places. Construction and labor-based jobs are still very common and necessary though, there are always job openings. City defense is especially needed nowadays, thankfully gastrakes have become much easier to tame and are put to good use there, though they are still a challenge to maintain overall and to breed.

As another part of Queen Poinsettia's reform initiative, nagas are encouraged to move out from the hive and expand their worldly horizons. As such nagas have become much more common within towns and cities such as Bellavette. Given that they come from an extreme environment, they usually don't have much trouble readjusting to these much more pedestrian 'safe' areas. They also don't have trouble finding jobs, being quick to take on labor-based ones, entering the medical field, or magic teaching, specifically Poison. For example, Abigail, Bellavette's resident medic moved out from the Aphyx Hospital. Larkspur, Bellavette's Poison magic teacher, is also originally from Aphyx City.

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