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The capital of Melauvira, it’s the largest city in the country and possibly the continent. It’s filled with busy streets, beautiful architecture, towering skyscrapers, electrical billboards and so much more. [It’s comparable to NYC, Tokyo or any other gigantic and busy cities, just minus the cars and heavy automobiles] 

Everything is pedestrian/cyclist oriented as no, more mechanical, transportation methods exist. That’s what mounts are for! (Or wings/Air magic!) [Instead of roads for cars] There are sections of the roads for the land mounts such as the jackrams. As for public mounts, there are a couple of kite ray stations here and there, but only a couple, due to how large kite rays are. Although, you could rent a land mount or get a land mount “taxi” per se if kite rays aren’t your thing. If you have the money, you can also skip the pedestrian and land mount traffic and soar the sky on your omniraptor instead. There are stations and “daycares” for your mounts as well since most jobs don't let them near the premises.


There are several green spaces and parks scattered around the city, each different from one another. Some are pet and/or mount centered parks, playground parks, or just a nice open area with some trees to relax. There is one large ‘main’ park at the center of the city, where festivals and carnivals are usually held, such as the Lunar Celebration Festival or the Carnival of the Sun & Moon. Another well-known landmark of the city is the large bridges that span across the river going right through the city. 


Finding living space is getting harder as more and more aurili move in, and the cost of living rises. However, there are always plenty of job openings that seem to allow for the city’s continuous growth. It’s because of this that it’s commonly considered "the heart of Melauvira".


The outskirts are a lot more rural with smaller, more quaint communities. Just average cityscapes, nothing extravagant like downtown where all the commotion is, and none of the buildings are taller than about 4-5 stories. There are still roads, however, they aren’t segmented like the ones in Bellavette. It’s considered common courtesy to leave the middle lanes to the land mount riders. 


No other city or community competes with the magnitude of Bellavette’s, it’s truly the main city of the continent. Not that the smaller communities aren’t as great and that Bellavette is “#the_best”, it’s just that most of the largest institutions are located here and Bellavette happens to be the oldest city on the continent, believe it or not. Over the years it’s seen so many changes that it’s utterly unrecognizable from it's beginings. 

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The Auribell is the largest orphanage in Bellavette, which is saying a lot because Bellavette is a huge city. It’s run by Celia who is occasionally helped by her little sister, Mary, and of course many dedicated employees. Celia and any employees who want to also live at the Auribell, up the 2nd highest floor of the building. The Auribell shelters hundreds of aurii who come to the orphanage for a variety of reasons. It's always a fluctuating population, as auri get dropped off, get adopted, grow up and leave, etc.


The Auribell is split up into several different sections; the dormitory where pairs or groups of about 2-5 aurii share a room, a giant dining hall, a HUGE play area filled with toys and other fun activities, a small computer lab more aimed for students, a study hall, and a library. There's also a large outdoor space that grants the Auribell kids frequent beach days!

While it primarily functions as an orphanage, the Auribell can also take in aurii temporarily for daycare. Most aurii are adopted as children or teens however it’s not uncommon to see the occasional lingering adult who hasn’t felt secure enough to set off yet.

Under normal circumstances, no auri can be kicked out of the Auribell for any reason; unless, situations are ABSOLUTELY DIRE. The Auribell strives to set troubled youth on a better path rather than abandon them. While staff and funds are limited, Celia and her employees put their greatest effort into helping any and all aurii who need it.


A rather large workshop in the busy streets of downtown Bellavette where Cyro & Seth (Mostly Cyro) work away at their jobs. Cyro works with all sorts of electronics and mechanical do-dads, while Seth works on the Databank. Seth spends most of his day at the Databank Development Center where he manages its expansion and growth and ensures everything’s in working order. Cyro's shop is rather cluttered with his tools, materials, and projects laying around, though he tries to keep it as clean as possible to retain functionality. The door is always kept open for those who want to drop by and have a chat or say hello to Cyro. If Cyro’s working with a client on their prosthetic he’ll usually go to a different room where it’s significantly more organized and quieter. Since Cyro’s always busy whether, with a personal project or a client, he’ll often ask for help from anyone willing; of course he’ll give you something in return as a thanks!


One of many magic schools in Bellavette Century stands out as one of the oldest, well known, and one of the most respectable magic schools. The building itself is rather small, however, it's really only used for lectures on magic theory. Actual magic practice takes place all over Melauvira in the form of "field trips". Students get taken to the outskirts, beaches, Chimewoods, large institutions, etc. Anywhere that has ample space and usually magical energies that are in line with the lessons. Master classes will occasionally go to more remote and/or dangerous locations such as the Verse of Melody forest, Whistling Valley, Aphyx Glades/City, and Euphor. The school has 9 primary teachers. 
Alek (Fire), Slate (Water), Forester (Earth), Aurin (Air), Rave (Light), Vespera (Ice), Jackson (Lightning), Larkspur (Poison), and Soya (Psychic). On the odd occasion a teacher is unavailable, another primary teacher may take their place if their schedule allows it, or, if need be, a well known, respectable figure instead. In the past, Cyro, Seth, Helios, Miko, Cain, and even the mayor Xiang herself have substituted.


A large, well-known hospital in Bellavette where Abigail works. It’s a busy place with hard-working employees doing their best for all those that need it. Abigail and other head doctors have their own “private” quarters within the hospital for appointments. Abigail herself specializes in magic-based medical issues, like Wildgrowth. She’s also set on researching and developing cures or relief for the diseases caused by it. In recent years the hospital has employed more and more naganid employees, due to their general, hard-working attitude, and strong Poison affinity. Their unique venom has also been found to be useful as a painkiller and as sedatives.


By far the most prominent park, located more or less right in the center of the city. It's where all the large and important festivals and celebrations are held, such as the Lunar Festival, and the Carnival of the Sun & Moon. When not used for events, the park is kept lively with playgrounds, mobile shops/merchants, smaller events, and general use as a park. There’s not a moment in the year where the park isn’t busy and filled with aurili. Because of its magnitude and popularity, it’s easy for children to get lost, so there are specialized authorities employed, usually with Psychic magic, to patrol the park, keep the peace, and help anyone who gets lost. There is also an area dedicated to pets and some mounts for both socialization and training. Unfortunately, you cannot take your Kite Ray or similar sized pets/mounts out here, they’re simply too big.


A mysterious, decrepit library in Old Bellavette. It's one of the oldest libraries in the city estimated to be about 2100 years old, though, unfortunately, the library's name has been long since forgotten. It's a miracle it's even still standing today. There have been efforts put in place to preserve it although they've been flimsy and seen much follow-through. At most, they've kept it from crumbling into ashes. Nowadays it’s a popular urban exploring spot, though, not legally. It's considered a dangerous location, but that doesn't stop eager explorers from trespassing and/or bribing underpaid authority lookouts to get in. Not that the Databank supports going to this place, but if you find yourself there, make sure you’re wearing boots. Plenty of sharp objects and nasty rotting stuff is scattered across the ground.

Curiously, many of the books from this library have not been recovered and remain at the premises to this day. It's not too much of a surprise though, the place was gigantic, as was its collection, after all, it used to be a mansion owned by a very wealthy man and his maid. No one really has the money to start an effort to extract those books, and it's not a high priority for anyone who does. It also doesn't hurt that, apparently, whenever someone enters the library, they always forget about it after they leave. Thought to be residual imbuement from its previous owner. There are also rumors that someone was murdered in the basement of the library, and that they still haunt the building to this day, defending it against any who dare threaten its premises, and they're the one wiping memories. These rumors are not all just talk, half of it is true, case records have confirmed that someone was murdered in the basement long ago, however, the alleged paranormal activity is merely a myth.


One of many shady backstreets in the city. This one is of note as it is frequented by someone by the name of Zack. An annoyingly smart and clever vendor that always tiptoes around the law, constantly using weasel logic to slip from and bend rules. His backstreet doesn't exactly have a clear cut location, everyone who makes a deal with him must swear to secrecy, it's very likely this 'backstreet' consists of more than one. What’s this guy selling anyway? Nothing outright shady, promises! Customers have attested that the majority of the goods he sells are usually store-bought? They miiiiight be stolen and sold at cheaper or slightly more expensive prices. He also deals in the occasional unique trinket from time to time. Nothing really illegal though, just the odd illegally obtained items. Most of his wares are legally allowed items or items he found himself that he claims are legal. It’s unknown how he gets away and sustains himself though, he’s got a very unique look and a large customer-base; though in a world where everyone's constantly changing perhaps just a signature look isn't enough to off of.


A small pet store in downtown Bellavette maintained with love and care by Liam and his pets. It has 2 floors, one for small pets with a dedicated grooming area, and a large pets/mounts floor. All kinds of pet supplies are sold here too, covering nearly all of Bellavette's most beloved companions! Monkits, hexapoo, squebbles, ferbles, canigoo, plasma hounds, omniraptors, you name it and Liam’s probably got it! While Liam typically runs the shop by himself he does get the occasional help from his sister Vespera when she’s free. It's an admiral feat though when you consider that he has the Goldless mutation, making him weaker and frailer than most aurili. It's hard to run a business solely on your own though, and Liam will occasionally take volunteer helpers during the summer which also lets young auri get good work experience.


A large institution founded by Forester, the local Earth magic teacher, to grow all kinds of plants, from flowers to vegetables and fruits. It’s quite a large and well-known place and sees plenty of tourists and visitors every day. The farm area also serves as a charity for those who struggle to afford food, the institution is open from 6 AM - 10 PM. Instead of money all that is asked in exchange for the fresh fruits and vegetables is to help out maintaining the farm & garden. Come frequently enough and do a good job and you’ll likely be hired full-time. This practice is used by smaller urban farms too! Forester himself can often be found working at the farms' fields when he’s not teaching magic or spending time with his family. The garden area is often used as a field trip spot for local science classes. Younger grades typically use it for hands-on lessons on things like biology, while older biology courses go there for demonstrations and practical lessons on botany, farming, etc.

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